“When I spend time in a place its spiritual atmosphere is greatly elevated”. - Meher Baba

For the first time since Meher Baba’s momentous auto accident in 1952, it may soon become possible to purchase the hospital where Baba, His beloved Mehera, and other mandali were lovingly treated for nearly two weeks. The Heartland Memorial Initiative was formed to prepare for just this possibility.

The original Prague Clinic and Hospital, circa 1952.
The top of the Burleson House is seen at the center-right edge of the photo.

Memorializing the Prague Regional Memorial Hospital

Genesis of the HMI

Since its founding in 2002, the goal of the Avatar Meher Baba Heartland Center has been to one day acquire and memorialize the site of Meher Baba’s 1952 accident and the Prague Regional Memorial Hospital. Baba has said the event was “the greatest of my sufferings” and that “it will result in benefit to the whole world.” Although the full significance of these words may be beyond our understanding, they instilled an unswerving dedication to preserve these sacred sites for posterity.

Over the years, the Heartland Center has been blessed with volunteers whose recognition of the importance of these sites fueled their selfless service and devotion. Many have been instrumental in creating a spiritual retreat consisting of two homes on the same block as the hospital that rings with His name and invites visitors to bask in His presence. Yet the ‘jewels in the crown’ – that hospital where Baba, Mehera, and the mandali recuperated for 12 days, and the accident site where the Avatar of the Age spilled His blood – were out of reach for the Center. 

By His grace and guiding hand, a number of Baba lovers came together to prepare for a time when these two sacred sites might actually become available for acquisition. Through their shared commitment to honoring the God-Man’s sacrifice, the group formed a core team that birthed the Heartland Memorial Initiative in the fall of 2022. 

And how perfect is Baba’s timing? 

 Shortly after the HMI began, the City of Prague, which owns the hospital, received the necessary governmental approval to relocate!  The city and hospital administration are also positive about the Heartland Center’s desire to acquire and preserve the building.

While many steps remain before the relocation becomes a reality, we are working to be prepared if and when it happens.  We also hope to be poised to act should the land adjacent to the accident site become available.

This is one vision for the future of the Heartland Center by Pedro A. Miranda

The Hospital

Sacred Sites

The Prague Regional Memorial Hospital where Meher Baba, His beloved Mehera, Elizabeth Patterson, and Meheru Irani were treated is one of two sacred sites associated with His accident in America.  Known then as the Prague Clinic and Hospital, it opened in 1951 just five months before the accident.  It was founded by Dr. Ned Burleson who had the supreme good fortune to treat the Avatar of the Age. This is an excerpt from the letter Dr. Burleson wrote to Baba on June 3, 1952 during the period that he was treating Baba, Mehera, and the mandali:

“From you and your party we have seen a demonstration of most of the teachings of Christ. Many Americans preach these things, but we have never observed so close an application of them. The profound devotion to you which is demonstrated by all your party convinces us that you deserve all of it. Such devotion cannot be forced, it can only be obtained by love; and to have that demonstrated affection from so many wonderful people is almost unbelievable…”

A rainbow over the Prague Regional Memorial Hospital. Baba’s room is the one with the single window.

The Accident Site

The accident site is 9.3 miles from Baba’s Heartland Center along the side of Highway 62 and may be approached at any time during the day. Since it is adjacent to private properties not available for purchase at this time, we ask that all who visit are most respectful of the neighbors whose homes adjoin this most holy ground.

“…the personal disaster, for some years foretold by me, took place in the form of an automobile accident while crossing the American continent. It was necessary that it should happen in America. God willed it so.” - Meher Baba

Why the Urgency

Should Baba turn the key and the time arrives to acquire the hospital and/or the land adjacent to the accident site, we must be fully prepared with sufficient funds to purchase these properties. This is particularly true for the Prague Regional Memorial Hospital, since if we are not able to acquire it at that time, it could become unavailable for the foreseeable future or it could even be demolished. 

While there is every indication the City of Prague, which owns the hospital building, would be pleased for the Heartland Center to acquire the site, the sale will have to go through a competitive bidding process. We are now raising funds to ensure we will be prepared as these holy sites become available. 

The HMI has also been hard at work increasing awareness of the urgency of the moment and envisioning the Heartland Center as a future place of world pilgrimage. 

Baba placed great emphasis on preserving and providing access to sites where He had spent time. He gave this guidance to the trustees of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust:

“Last night, I had a thought about the places I visited and especially stayed for some periods - days, weeks, months or years, for my work. So the Trustees should afford facilities in future to those who wish to study or want to know more about these respective places and desire to conduct research in connection with the various activities and aspects of my work done over there. They should also provide facilities to those who visit these places, to pay homage and also at such places where you have memorials, statues or symbols, kept or preserved there-at or there-in.”

We invite all to join our efforts in securing and memorializing Meher Baba’s sacred sites in Prague, Oklahoma!

Ways to Get Involved

Visit the Heartland Center!

Words cannot describe the power of a personal trip to the place where Meher Baba shed His blood on American soil and spent twelve days being treated at the Prague Regional Memorial Hospital.

Volunteer your Time and Expertise

There are many opportunities to serve from near or far. The HMI is made up of multiple sub-committees such as Governance, Fundraising, Memorialization, and Communications/Social Media. Your expertise is welcome!

Contribute Baba Treasures

These will be displayed at the Heartland Center’s Burleson House for pilgrims and visitors to see. And should we acquire the hospital, they will become part of a permanent exhibit there

Share the Word

Let others know about the Heartland Center and its mission to acquire, preserve, and memorialize the sacred sites associated with Meher Baba’s 1952 accident in the center of America.

And, of course, donate!

The easiest way to help secure the future of these irreplaceable sacred sites is to make a tax-deductible donation now!

Or you can mail a check made out to ‘AMBHC, Inc.’ addressed to:

AMB Heartland Center, 7804 NBU, 1319 N. Barta Ave, Prague, OK  74864

You can also pledge to the Heartland Memorial Hospital campaign.

It will be fulfilled only if and when the Prague Regional Memorial Hospital is purchased by the Heartland Center.

We hope you might also consider making a bequest.

For information about bequests, pledges, and planned giving, please

contact Bing Heckman at: bing@bheckman.com.

Avatar Meher Baba Heartland Center, Inc. and its associates do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Consulting is offered for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, or accounting advice. You should consult your tax, legal, and accounting advisors to determine what is best for your personal situation.

Our Fundraising Goal: $ 1,500,000.00
Donations and Pledges Received To Date: $ 450,000.00

HMI Statement of Values

– The initiative is wholly dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba

– The initiative is universally available to people from
every faith and walk of life

– HMI strives in all its efforts to be worthy of representing
the Avatar of the Age in selflessly spreading His message
of Love and Truth

– Meher Baba’s teachings and life are shared in a way
that reflects the essential truth underlying all religions

– Respect and sensitivity are demonstrated to the people of Prague, who have remained gracious and supportive
in welcoming us into their community